“Before you can enjoy playing the game, it’s important that you set up the chess board correctly.”
Chess is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world. It’s a game of strategy that requires concentration, patience, and skill. Before you can enjoy playing the game, it’s important that you set up the chess board correctly.
The Chess Board
A common mistake for beginners is to not have the chess board oriented the right way. The chess board is made up of 64 squares, alternating between light and dark colors, typically white and black. The board is divided into 8 rows and 8 columns. The chess board should be placed so that the lighter square is in the lower right corner. An easy way to remember this is “white on the right.”

The Chess Pieces
Once the chess board is setup, the next step is to add the chess pieces. Each player starts with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The pieces need to be placed in specific places on the board.

The Pawns
Start by placing all eight of your pawns in the second row.
The Rooks
Next, place your rooks (castles) in the corners of your first row. Rooks are one of the most powerful pieces in the game of chess.
The Knights
Place your knights next to your rooks, on the squares adjacent to them. The knights are the only pieces that can “jump” over other pieces on the chess board.
The Bishops
Place your next to the knights, on the squares adjacent to them. Bishops are the pieces that move diagonally across the chess board.
The Queen
The queen is the second most important piece on the chess board, and it should be placed on her color square. If you are playing with white pieces, the queen should be placed on the white square, and if you are playing with black pieces, she should be placed on the black square.
The King
The king is the most important piece on the chess board, and it should always be placed in the center of the back row. The king should be placed on the dark square if you are playing with white pieces, and on the light square if you are playing with black pieces.
Now that your chess board is set up, you’re ready to start the game. And remember… white moves first!