Liar’s Dice Rules
- 5 Dice Cups
- 25 Dice
- The goal of Liar’s Dice is to be the last player remaining with dice. Players lose dice when they incorrectly challenge bids or are caught bluffing.
Set Up:
- Each player starts with five dice and a dice cup to conceal their rolls.
- Players sit in a circle, and a designated player begins the game.
- All players roll their dice under their cups, keeping their results hidden from others.
Starting a Bid:
- The first player makes a bid based on the total number of a particular dice face they believe is present among all players’ dice (e.g., “There are at least three 4s”).
- Bids must include both the quantity and the face value (e.g., “four 5s”).
Subsequent Bids:
- Play moves clockwise.
- Each subsequent player must increase the bid by either raising the quantity (e.g., “five 4s”) or raising the face value (e.g., “four 5s”). Alternatively, they can challenge the previous bid by calling “Liar!”
Challenging a Bid:
- If a player calls “Liar!” on the previous bid, all players reveal their dice.
- Count the total number of dice that match the bid’s face value.
- If the bid is accurate (equal to or exceeds the declared amount), the challenger loses one die.
- If the bid is inaccurate, the player who made the bid loses one die.
Wild Dice (Optional Rule):
- The face value of 1s may count as wild and can be used to represent any face value. (Declare this rule before starting the game.)
Continuing Play:
- After resolving a challenge, all players roll their remaining dice, and the next round begins with the player to the left of the previous starting player.
Losing Dice:
- Players who lose dice continue playing with fewer dice.
- When a player loses all their dice, they are eliminated from the game.
Winning the Game:
- The last player with dice remaining is the winner!
Optional Rules:
Exact Bid Rule: If a player makes an exact bid (e.g., “five 3s”) and the next player calls “Exact!” instead of “Liar,” the dice are revealed:
- If the bid is correct, the bidder gains one die (if they previously lost any).
- If the bid is incorrect, the bidder loses one die.
Speed Variant: Limit the time each player has to make a bid to 30 seconds. Failure to bid in time results in losing a die.