Left Center Right Rules

Object of the Game:
The last player with chips wins!

Set Up:
You need three Left Center Right dice, three or more players, and three chips per player. Coins or other tokens may be used for additional players if needed.

Game Play:
Choose a player to go first.

The number of chips a player has will determine how many dice they roll on their turn.  If a player has three or more chips, they will roll three dice.  If they only have two chips, they will roll two dice.  And if the player only has one chip, they will roll one die.  If the player has no chips, they are still in the game, but they pass the dice to the next player.

The dice will determine where to pass the player’s chips.


For each LEFT that is rolled, the player passes a chip to the player on their left.

For each  STAR that is rolled, the player places a chip in the pot.

For each RIGHT that is rolled, the player passes a chip to the player on their right.

The DOTS are neutral. The player doesn’t pass a chip.


Play continues clockwise.


The last player with chips is the winner. They do not roll the dice, and they get all the chips in the pot.